Saturday, October 13, 2007

ROSA Java Applet

Rosa is a Java applet that improves server-side web applications by adding some simple features on the client-side. It was originally designed with Web mapping applications in mind, but is generic enough to be used in any type of application.

The main purpose of the applet is to extend the standard form control:

It displays an image (GIF, JPEG or PNG) on which operations can be performed, these include single clicks, dragging a rectangle, ellipse, or polyline to define an area of interest. It can also have a toolbar and/or floating buttons with various functions attached to them. The information on the user's input will be returned through form parameters that you define.

Rosa is OpenSource, this means that you can use it freely in your own applications, and that you also have access to the source code. Just like with any OpenSource project, we hope that users of the applet will contribute their improvements and report problems/suggestions.

If you can't wait any longer and want to see how this thing works, then you can jump straight to the Applet documentation and list of Parameters.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

msCross: AJAX (WEB 2.0) WEB GIS Client

msCross is a AJAX (WEB 2.0) WEB GIS client, initially developed to be a Javascript interface for UMN Mapserver.
msCross was developed to allow users dinamically display geographical information layers on the web. It was developed to be cross-browser. The main objective is to permit users to simply create Google Maps-style applications, using only Free Software.
The SourceForge project can be viewed on the web site:

If you are interested in developing msCross, write to

The msCross has been tested with the following web browsers:
  1. Mozilla Firefox >= 1.0.5
  2. Internet Exploer >= 6.0
  3. Opera >= 8.51
  1. Free Software, distributed under GPL (Open Source)
  2. Client side
  3. Cross-browser / cross-platform
  4. Simple use (only one javascript file, no installation is required)
  5. Easily customizable and extensible
  6. Based on AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technique
  7. UMN Mapserver CGI interface support
  8. Point Overlay support
  9. OGC WFS client support (Web Feature Service, Open Geospatial Consortium: pdf) for point layers
  10. new OGC WMS client support (Web Map Service, Open Geospatial Consortium: pdf)
  11. new Easy Toolbar customization
  12. new Debugging mode
Screenshot 1
Here is possible to try it.

Screenshot 2
Point Overlay example (WFS)

Screenshot 3
Simulations analyzer

Screenshot 4
OGC WMS protocol


  1. mscross.js v1.1.9 (date: 20070218)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Map Manager is a powerful OGC-compliant Internet mapping solution providing organizations the ability to present, link, distribute and publish geomatics-based data, products and services. Map Manager provides an advanced infrastructure for users to access spatial information from disparate data sources and to display the information in powerful, easy-to-use WWW browser client applications.

  • Map Manager Client - Client application developed using PHTML and provides Web browser GIS functionality without any plug-ins or downloads.

  • Map Manager Server - A powerful OGC and ArcIMS-compliant Internet Map Server for hosting and serving a variety of vector and raster layers.

  • Map Manager Portlet - Contains all the functionality of the Web Map Manager Client but developed and deployed using the J2EE environment. Can be easily embedded into an external Web page with little effort. Map Manager Portlet comes configured with a Map Manager servlet for communication and directional messaging.

  • Map Manager Search Portlet - A "wizard" type interface for combining and dynamically interacting with search and map operations.

  • Map Manager Servlet - A servlet for interacting with Map Manager portlets.



  • Web Map Server (WMS) is a protocol for requesting and serving raster geodata over HTTP
  • a WMS server responds to WMS requests by returning images, usually in common image formats like GeoTIFF, JPEG or PNG
  • a WMS request can either be simply encoded as a URL, or sent via HTTP POST
  • here is an example of a WMS request URL, to get an idea of what they look like:
  • the WMS Cookbook is a guide to implementing an OGC Web Map Server
  • some other useful resources on the OGC Network site
  • there are numerous free WMS server implementations available, including MapServer and Deegree (LGPL)
  • WMS is very general-purpose and hence not particularly efficient or optimized for specific clients.  WMS-C is a wiki for ideas about how WMS could be extended (or subset) with Tile Caching.


  • Web Feature Server (WFS) is a protocol for requesting and serving vector geodata over HTTP
  • a WFS server responds to requests by returning data in the Geography Markup Language (GML)
  • a WFS server can even support transactions which allow a client to modify data on the server
  • there are numerous free WMS server implementations available, including GeoServer (GPL) and Deegree (LGPL)

Search for public WMS layers

Here you can search for public WMS layers. The result set shows found layers with links, so you can examine them directly as base map or overlay using internal map explorer.

The links are adjusted to the middle of layer's bounding box and try to identify a useful zoom level.

Currently 30,000+ WMS layers from 200+ servers are indexed. There are duplicates, so in case of network failures you may try another server. Search uses a combined index of layer name, title and abstract and is limited to a maximum of 100 hits.

Monday, October 8, 2007

OpenJUMP – The free, Java based and open source

What is OpenJump?

"JUMP is a computer program that uses a unified mapping platform as a visualisation framework … " (changed ESRI key note on What is GIS? by M. Bobzien)

:o) But to be a bit more serious..

OpenJUMP is an open source GIS software written in Java. It is based on JUMP GIS by Vivid Solutions

First of all… => see also here
  • It is a Vector GIS that can read rasters as well
  • OpenJUMP is known to work on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms, but should work on any operating system that runs Java 1.4 or later.
  • It is not just another free demo viewer, but you can edit, save, analyze etc. with JUMP / OpenJUMP
  • It works, even with medium size datasets, and with professional touch
  • It provides a GIS API with a flexible plugin structure, so that new features are relatively easy to develope around the sound mapping platform.
  • It utilises standards like GML, WMS and WFS
  • It is already translated in English, Finnish, French, German, Portugese and Spanish. The translation in other languages is in progress.
  • ..and it is free (under the GPL license).

Mobilemaps Nearby-Engine

Mobilemaps Nearby-Engine can be made to work with most any mapserver, or Web service conforming to the Open GIS Consortium standard. However, our favoured configuration uses the open source MapServer from the University of Minnesota. The hcslmap script is custom to the High Country Mapserver, and uses the rendering engine of MapServer (shp2img) for displaying a single image, but provides it's own map caching mechanism.

It has preconfigured layers for street-level through world-wide level maps, and these layers can be added or subtracted. Much of this document is an extension on MapServer's own installation files, so please refer to the MapServer website for further information.